From Foundation Cigar Company:
"According to Ethiopian lore, the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon in Jerusalem, and their union bore Menelik, the Wise Man. This tale of heritage, wisdom, and cultural richness forms the essence of “The Wise Man” cigar line. We’ve blended tradition and innovation to create an experience that is a testament to our dedication to the art of cigar-making. Crafted with the utmost precision and expertise, this exceptional cigar embodies the historical tapestry that has influenced Foundation Cigar Company’s commitment to excellence.
This collection features two distinguished wrappers: The Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper delivers a sweet yet refined experience, while the San Andres Mexican wrapper offers a sophisticated and complex smoking experience.
Embrace the Legacy. Ignite the Wisdom."
Corona - 5x48
Toro - 6x52
Doble Corona - 7x54
In either Corojo or San Andres Maduro wrapper variations of:
Binder - Estelí & Jalapa
Filler - Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa
Available individually or in 20 count boxes.